Welcome to my Astro Pages


Disclaimer down the page make sure you read the note.

If you are interested in web cam astrophotography you may want to visit the QCUIAG site via the link below


While browsing this site you will find the following items:

A view into the Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000
A web cam housing to be used with SLR lenses or a T2 adapter
The Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 Long Exposure modification
The Philips ToUCam Pro (PCVC740K) modification
The build and use of the Artemis CCD camera  
A Camera Control Software - WcCtrl V 1.6.52 available
A Web Camera Tuning Software - WcRmac got it's own page now V 2.0.85 available
A program to calculate asteroid / comet positions - EpheLight
A mini gallery of the pictures I took with 
Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 (modified for long exposure)
Philips ToUCam Pro (modified for long exposure)
Canon F1(old) SLR
Artemis CCD 

and it is really a mini gallery.....

A Glossary of Terms

A FAQ ...

Credits and Links

Contents (Site map)

Please note: I cannot take any responsibility for any modifications you make following the hints and suggestions you will find on this web site. There could be patents or other legal matters which may deny any of the modifications (personal use may be safe?!). You may void the warranty of your cam or any other item you use to make a long exposure cam or attaching lenses to other than housings which they are intended to be used on. You must agree to take over the full responsibility for your work in order to proceed viewing this site. Names and brands mentioned on this site do belong the corresponding holders and are used only for reference here. Please respect the ownership of the pictures and text you will find on this site - if you want to use parts of it please ask me first - thank you.

e-mail: bm98 'at' bluewin 'dot' ch    (spam avoiding spelling - you know how to write it)