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all images copyright by M. Burri

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Moon Eclipse 3/4.Mar.2007

Canon 350D through Orion 80ED - 3/4.Mar.2007

Moon Eclipse 3/4.Mar.2007 - full coverage

Canon 350D through Orion 80ED - 3/4.Mar.2007
Hard time this one - just a few good shoots between the clouds  

Moon Crater J. Herschel

740K SC3 b&w- Normal mode with LX90 x2 - 01.April 2004

Moon Crater Gassendi

740K SC3 b&w- Normal mode with LX90 x2 - 01.April 2004

much better than the one below ;-)

Part of Rima with Crater Hyginus (Mare Vaporum to Tranquillitatis)
Agrippa is bottom right

740K SC3 color to grayscale - Normal mode with LX90 x2 - 28.March 2004

Moon Crater Clavius

740K SC3 b&w - Normal mode with LX90 x2 - 03.March 2004

Moon Crater Gassendi

740K SC3 b&w- Normal mode with LX90 x2 - 03.March 2004

Moon Eclipse 8/9.Nov.2003

740K - Normal mode with CANON 135mm lens. - 8/9.Nov.2003

all images stack of 10 - exposure per row but the last one - Times are UT

Widefield at Moon Eclipse 9.Nov.2003

Coolpix4300 - FOV ~60° - 9.Nov.2003 1:20 UT

1x16sec at full eclipse- 1/3 size (binned 3x3 in AstroArt 3.0)

One shoot full Moon (one day after full to be precise)

Coolpix4300 - afocal w.25mmEP on Pentax PF-80EDA - 11.Oct.2003

7*1/125sec stacked in K3CCDTools - processed with  - Registax (both worked with native cam size 3MBpix!!!)

1/3 of original size 

Moon over M.Boglia (Ticino)

Coolpix4300 - afocal w.25mmEP on Pentax PF-80EDA - 0.1sec - 17.Jul.2003

1/3 of original size 

Full Moon Mosaic

740K - Normal mode with LX90 f/10 PF. - 16.Apr.2003

86x5 images stacked then stitched with IMerge. Some Deconv., USM and level. 1/4 of original size 
(1000x1000  -  150k for download)

Moon - Pythagoras

740 SC1.5 - LX90 f/20 (PFx2) - 16.Mar.2003 - 23:00

17 best images from AVI capture.

Here is an annotated image

Moon - Tycho Area

740 SC1.5 - Normal mode with LX90 f/6.3 (FR) - 18.Sep.2002

33 best images from AVI capture.

Moon Mosaic

L3k - Normal mode on Astele 133.5/f10 telescope in prime focus. - 22.Apr.2002

5 Minutes flight saved as AVI and then the best of the images combined manually in Photoshop.



Close-up on 21.Jan. 2002 with the QuickCam attached to a Lomo Astele 133.5 telescope in prime focus - some photo finishing